Formula 1

F1 targeting smaller, lighter cars to coincide with 2026 engine regs

F1 targeting smaller, lighter cars to coincide with 2026 engine regs

Formula 1’s plans for the 2026 power unit changes will coincide with updates to the aerodynamic regulations that will aim to reduce stilt and create smaller and lighter cars.

The current power units will be used until the end of the 2025 season, when a major transpiration in regulations is set to be introduced. Those rules, with increased electrical deployment and a 100% sustainable fuel, are likely to request to the Volkswagen Group, which is considering inward F1 through its Porsche and Audi brands.

The FIA presented its targets to the F1 Commission during a meeting in London on Tuesday regarding “performance parameters, sustainability, and financial regulations”, which it says resulted in “positive feedback”.

At the same time as the new power units stuff introduced, changes to the technical regulations are planned that protract attempts to indulge cars to race increasingly closely, with the FIA moreover outlining its aims for the cars.

The targets, which the FIA says “were well received by the Commission”, are as follows:

Significantly reduced stilt to modernize sustainability and efficiency and complement the Power Unit characteristics. Maintain and modernize on recent lessons learned well-nigh tropical racing and cars stuff worldly-wise to follow each other. Reduce car dimensions. Reduce or contain car mass. Sustainability: Protract path towards the standardization or simplification of strategically-selected components for cost-cutting purposes. Expand the usage of sustainable materials or technologies and focus on recyclability. Continued innovation in terms of car safety, moving towards zippy and unfluctuating safety systems.

Formula 1 has previously worked with the FIA by assembling a technical team to develop the 2022 regulations and remoter refine them for the future as racing examples are gathered.